The Loop Mk III - Sweet Revenge "Do it again Sam!" "I hate it when they give their AIs funny names..." Agenda 5 AI Chief Financial Officer 4 Viral Breeding Ground Operations 6 Accounts Receivable 4 Credit Consolidation 6 Silver Lining Recovery Protocol Upgrades [none] Nodes 4 Chicago Branch 4 Pacifica Regional AI ICE 2 Shock.r 2 Data Wall 2.0 2 Roadblock 2 Too Many Doors 2 Mazer 2 Asp ----------------------------------------------------------- Overview What we have here is our latest approach to the new InfiniWare® technology. This is only one flavour of the core engine. There are several other variants possible and already deployed at our customers. Please have a look at article #573.ge4.87645 in this database for some introductory material on InfiniWare® systems. Please note that all information is highly confidential and access is restricted to authorized personnel only. General Tactics Our main goal is to reach the following setup: We need that one of our highly advanced agendas has been accessed be an intruder. This is required for our Silver Lining Recovery Protocols to take effect and give us a very efficient way of income. This boost in eb makes it possible for the InfiniWare® system to start up. With the help of our branch in Chicago (sidenote 45.87b: the guys over there are really doing brilliant work) we feed huge amounts of data to our Pacifica Regional AI. At this point we will have to activate the Chief Financial Officer (sidenote 45.87c: we replaced the meatspace officer with an AI recently, independant calculations show that it has increases performance by 24.39 percent) to recylce the data many times. Each step in this iteration will drastically increase our resources. With an average of 28.57% of our data installed we get a very high probability for the InfiniWare® to start up. Our additional accounts and the consolidated credits will be of great value to this process, too. Some Tips Once the InfiniWare® is initiated and running nobody will be able to stop us. But before we can reach this point there is a lot of work to do. Our defences are quite good but we can't afford to use advanced systems to augment our ICE or use other countermeasures. Also our data nodes can be accessed and corrupted quite easliy so we have to take care not to use them too early. We want some runners to steal information from our central database. We deliberatly leak data to be able to activate the Recovery Protocol. If nobody is interested in our information that's even better. We will be able to finalize several of the planned projects in parallel. ----------------------------------------------------------- Back to The Main Page