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World Domination 2001/02 LDL Marauders:
Sealed Finals Underway
by Jens Kreutzer
We're halfway through the three-round Sealed mini-tournament of the WD Finals, and here are the
match results:
1st Round
Daniel Schneider - Wilfried Ranque: C10 - R4; R6 - C10.
Byron Bailey - Richard Cripe: C0 - R10; R10 - C4.
Holger Janssen - Scott Berger: C0 - R10; R10 - C3.
Frederic Chorein - Mark Applin: C10 - R1; R3 - C10.
2nd Round
Richard Cripe - Daniel Schneider: C10 - R0; R4 - C10.
Holger Janssen - Mark Applin: C10 - R0; R3 - C10.
Frederic Chorein - Scott Berger: scheduled for January 2003
Byron Bailey - Wilfried Ranque: scheduled for January 2003
This leaves Richard Cripe in the lead with 4 GMP at the moment. Thanks go out to all of our volunteer judges!
Check out the WD homepage (in the Special section of this website) for match logs and updates.
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