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State of the Revolution
by Zvi Mowshowitz
While I've been busy with Magic, I gave WotC's representative an ultimatum (as friendly as possible) to either confirm that
they were still signing the deal and give me a firm date or to confirm they were going back on the contract agreement. The deadline
was in a week and a half, when I returned from the Magic Worlds. It has now been slightly over a week since my return, and
I've also sent my most reliable contact in WotC back with the same message.
I've been unable to get a reply from him, either on the phone or by e-mail. I'll keep trying as long as I can, and I have one
last card I'm going to try and play. But my current understanding is that given the small potential for payoff it wasn't worth
the effort and legal risk that someone might pierce my corporate veil and sue WotC somehow. At any rate, if I'm going to face
this kind of opposition or even stonewalling from them whenever I need anything, things get much more difficult.
In short, there is now a high probability, I would say over ninety percent, that WotC has decided to kill the deal by failing to
complete the paperwork and kept me in the dark about the situation by pretending that the problem was simply that they couldn't free
the few hours to complete the paperwork just yet. I have a long-standing and very profitable and productive relationship with WotC as a
Magic professional, which is likely the reason I got as far as I did, but apparently they didn't feel the need to level with me.
So, on the assumption that when I finally get through I get shut down, I sincerely apologize for getting everyone's hopes up. I should
have known WotC better. I apologize for wasting everyone's time. Now, this is still not final; I do think there is a chance I can save
this, although I admit it is small. Here's what I plan to do from here. I'll keep trying to get a firm reply. If and when I do get
shut down, I'll announce the fact and release the files I did manage to get from WotC concerning Silent Impact.
Sadly, Zvi Mowshowitz.
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