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New Editor for the TRQ
by Jens Kreutzer
Starting with this issue of the TRQ, Scott Dickie has conferred the position of TRQ editor on me (Jens Kreutzer). Scott is more than
busy with his other TRC duties and was looking for a respite. I hope I will be able to continue what he has done for the TRQ up till now.
Here's what I'm envisioning for future issues: Major features will be - as before - the latest news on important tourneys like World
Domination and other news concerning Netrunner in general. Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, our WotC contact, will continue to give us
the coveted scoop on developments behind the scenes in her column "State of the Corp". In the new column "Elementary, my dear
Wilson", I'd like to focus on one of the better-known Netrunner deckbuilding strategies, looking at a new one in each issue
of the TRQ. Some of the more advanced players might not find this very instructive, but think of it as a kind of "agenda" hidden in the
"Archives" of the TRQ back issues that newcomers to the game can use to get an overview of what's waiting for them.
From this issue on, I invite your comments and suggestions in "emails to the editor" (I might even publish them). Likewise, if you want to
write an article for the TRQ, please feel free to mail it to my email address; chances are that it will get printed (with full credit,
of course). I am especially looking for new brain-twisting Netrunner puzzles for publication.
Yet another column is the "Did you know?", which features bits and pieces of Netrunner trivia, mostly taken from Scott's
website The Short Circuit and including data that was compiled earlier by Australian David Mar (and originally by Foolkiller). I
realize it's hard to give proper credit to the original contributors, but if you spot some of your own gems of wisdom here, just tell me
that it was you who found out about it, and I will rectify this in the following issue.
Yours truly,
Jens "Tinweasel" Kreutzer
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